Fraud Alert: Delivery Scam

Don't Fall Victim to a Delivery Card Scam

Fraudsters continue to change their methods and find new ways to trick unsuspecting victims. In a new scam, individuals are deceived into disclosing credit or debit card numbers and PINs under the guise of a flower and wine delivery. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from fraudsters, is to learn the signs of a scam.

How it Works

First, victims receive a phone call from a "courier company" to assure someone is home to sign and accept an incoming delivery.

Once confirmed, a uniformed "delivery man" arrives at the victim's home with flowers and a bottle of wine. When asked who the delivery is from, the courier usually replies that a separate greeting card will arrive later. Sometimes, the package even arrives with a consignment note.

Up to this point, the situation seems harmless. Next, the courier explains that because the gift contains alcohol, it requires a $3.50 verification charge. This fee is to assure the package was delivered to an adult of legal drinking age, and not left in the hands of a minor. 

When individuals offer to pay the fee in cash, they are told only credit or debit cards are accepted. This is to make sure everything is recorded properly for accounting and legal purposes. Some fraudsters even go so far as to say they cannot accept cash to protect themselves from robbery.

Victims see these explanations as logical, and pass their debit or credit card over to the courier. The victim's card is then swiped on a mobile card processor and they are asked to insert their PIN. Once the PIN is accepted, the courier often provides the victim with a receipt for the transaction. 

The Outcome

From the initial phone call to the printed receipt, the entire situation turns out to be fraudulent. The $3.50 fee individuals believe they are paying, is really a scam to collect card information and PINs. The "mobile card processor" contained all the information to create a duplicate version of the victim's credit or debit card. 

In the days following, victims found multiple fraudulent charges and/or ATM withdrawals on their accounts. Only at this point was it realized the individuals had been scammed.

Key Takeaways

  • Be wary of a "gift" or "package" that involves any kind of payment as a condition of acceptance.
  • Always verify the sender, a real courier will have this information. 
  • Do not accept anything that you do not want or makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Call First Financial Bank, at 855-660-5862, any time you suspect your debit card, PIN, or account information has been compromised.
  • Enroll in First Financial Bank debit card alerts to monitor your accounts in real-time.