Financial & Mental Health

Financial Health: A Crucial Component of Overall Well-Being

When we think about our mental and physical health, financial wellness is a vital part of overall well-being. Our financial stability impacts many aspects of our lives, including buying a home, what we eat, how we vacation, college tuition, retirement planning, health care, and literally anything else that costs us money.
The Connection Between Financial and Mental Health 
Financial stress is a significant contributor to mental health issues. According to the American Psychological Association, money is one of the leading causes of stress for Americans. A study by the National Institutes of Health also confirms the correlation between financial worries and psychological distress.
But there’s hope. On the other hand, sound financial health can enhance mental well-being, providing a sense of security and peace of mind. That’s why we’re providing a few practical tips to boost financial wellness.
Strategies for Improving Financial Health
Improving financial health requires a proactive approach. Here are some strategies that can help:
1. Budgeting:Create and stick to a budget to track expenses and ensure your spending does not exceed income. This provides a clear picture of financial standing and helps in making informed financial decisions. Utilize the Financial Toolswidget in digital banking to create a budget and understand where your money is going.
2. Emergency Fund:Building an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses can prevent financial shocks from derailing your financial stability.
3. Debt Management:Prioritizing the repayment of high-interest debts and avoiding unnecessary borrowing can significantly reduce financial stress. Talk to a Consumer Relationship manager about First Financial’s debt consolidationoptions to learn what is best for you.
4. Saving and Investing:Regular saving and investing in retirement plans or other financial instruments ensure long-term financial security.
5. Financial Education: Continuous learning about personal finance management can empower individuals to make better financial decisions and avoid common pitfalls. OurConsumer Fraud Prevention Portalalso has a comprehensive Finances section that provides resources to make smart financial decisions. Plus, an integrated AI chat feature makes finding answers simple and quick.  

You can do it! We’re here to help.

Financial health is an integral part of overall health, deeply intertwined with both mental and physical well-being. Addressing financial health through effective management and planning can significantly enhance overall quality of life. By recognizing the importance of financial stability and taking steps to improve it, individuals can foster a more secure, healthy, and fulfilling life. If you are ever unsure of next steps or feel overwhelmed by your financial situation, let us help. Visit any of our locations to speak with a dedicated banker today.